"Wood of Plane" Domenico Corna skillfully
weaves a captivating tale eluding in deep philosophical reflections
on the existential nature of the human being and the meaning of
life. Through this narrative, Corna explores the notion of ancient
souls that have been dispersed in multiple dimensions following a
catastrophic explosion. Some of these souls find themselves
coexisting with humanity on Earth, depriving themselves of their
past memories and experiences but possessing a remarkable and
enchanting connection with the natural world.
To regain their lost memories and escape the
tumultuous chaos of our earthly existence, these souls must reunite
in the mystical realm known as the Wood of Plain. However,
completing this formidable task is far from easy. Some individuals
in our world also aspire to transcend the mundane and monotonous
habits of life, in search of an alternative reality necessary to
establish a bond with these ancient souls is really amazing. Through
skillful depiction, Corna explores the depths of human emotions such
as depression, anxiety and loneliness, providing a vivid
representation of the follies of our modern world that can be
overcome and left behind.
This monumental event marked a great division,
as the ancient world and its inhabitants have fragmented and
disconnected from their true identities. Returning to their original
state, reclaiming lost selves, represents a demanding and tiring
journey, deeply personal for each individual involved.
Will David and Laura, in their quest to locate
and reunite with these ancient world inhabitants, be able to
liberate their own souls and forge a new reality characterized by an
ideal exixtence? This question lies at the heart od their odyssey,
which is rife with challenges, sacrifices, and self-discovery.
The book shows a remarkable mastery of rhythm,
which fascinates me from beginning to end. Its fluid transitions
between scenes caught my full attention, forcing me to further
immerse myself in its narrative with unwavering charm.
During my reading experience, I found no
instances of typographical or grammatical errors within the book. In
addition, the aesthetically pleasing cover design and expertly
crafted layout help to enhance the reading experience, increasing
the overall impact of the book.