Undelivered Speeches
Third Generation
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
The flight was quiet and on his arrival, as announced, someone was waiting for him with an appropriate uniform. He loaded his luggage and took him to the best hotel in the city where he was given an excellent room. In case of need, he was advised to call the number printed on the business card delivered.
Minichì stayed for a long time leaning on the balcony to observe the city with its modern buildings while on the right, hidden by a blanket of humidity and soot, he could see more crowded streets with a coming and going typical of any other popular district.
He did not know the reason why the instinct had chosen to lead him to that country—to an unknown city where, the writings concerning its name, had been replaced recently, by Astana in Nur-Sultan in honor of the old president.
In an agglomeration of local, Turkish and Russian populations, following a rather complicated history, after becoming an autonomous republic, unlike many others, it had maintained a good relationship with Russia. He did not remember having read dangerous political situations or ethnic contrasts. Living together in peace, they were an example for many others in which difficult relations had resulted in war.
After settling in, he decided to take a walk around the city. Outside, he was greeted by a light, fresh wind, with different flavors. He seemed to be somewhere in the mountains. The aroma was pleasant enough to squint his eyes to taste it and keep it in his memory.
He walked slowly around the corner when a car stopped next to him and a man came down showing a bulge in his jacket indicating he was armed.
“Follow me!” he ordered opening the back door. “It’s not our intention to harm you. But we will not hesitate if you delay.”
Minichì amazed but not afraid looked at the man with a smile. “Maybe you were wrong,” he whispered, spreading his arms. “I am nobody. I don’t understand how it can be useful to you”.
The man hurried to push Minichi rudenessly inside the car, closed the door and left at a high speed.
“As I pointed out to you!” the man confirmed. “We have no intention of harming you but we need your presence in our headquarters.”
Minichì was convinced it was not a kidnapping for the purpose of extortion, the reason for his kidnapping had to be different. The way he spoke implied a person of a certain culture. Minichì nodded reassuring the man, he would not take any action in an attempt to free himself.
The kidnapper was satisfied and showed a lukewarm smile. “We are decent people!” explained the man. “It’s not our intention to bother you. We will take you back to the hotel at the end of the meeting.”
Unexpected Situation - Incipit
Part 1
Wood of Plane
Available to be published
Fairy Tales - Wood of Plane
Fairy Tales
Poems - Wood of Plane
Honest Deception
Second Generation
First Generation
Our Madness
Little Soul
Touch of Happiness
Voice in the Night
Good Hope Hotel
Night Clouds
Shiny Lake