Undelivered Speeches
Third Generation
Our Dream

Our dream today is like the sun,

like its tears of rain
over our cloud of tissue paper.

Closing our eyes, the flight began
around the curved lines of the paths,
under the rain, the sun and among endless woods.

The great heights and precipices
are a thousand thoughts, colors and scents
who will not abandon us upon their return.

On this journey towards the sun,
on our cloud of tissue paper,
a key and a hope accompany us.

You are hope, and I have the key,
even if the wait is likely to dissolve
the perseverance of any desire.

Our path begins with the need to free ourselves from the weight of our social importance, abandoning privilege’s ambition and success. In the twilight, without certainty, between fear and loneliness, the confidence from our dreams will accompany us. We will measure our determination to continue to go on beyond logic.

We Started - Incipit
Poems - Wood of Plane
Wood of Plane
Blues Ale Publishing
September 2023

ISBN 979-12-81450-09-7
Pages 136
Target Price: 10

E-book Kindle
ISBN 979-12-81450-12-7
E-book: $ 3

Fairy Tales - Wood of Plane
Fairy Tales
Poems - Wood of Plane
Honest Deception
Second Generation
First Generation
Our Madness
Little Soul
Touch of Happiness
Voice in the Night
Good Hope Hotel
Night Clouds
Shiny Lake
Poems - Wood of Plane