Undelivered Speeches
Third Generation
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Marì let herself fall slowly, crossing the branches of the big tree until she reached the meadow next to the spring. She hesitated at the entrance of the path to the grove, sitting down, thinking about the book and especially about the drawing. She had made the decision to access the life of her friend Jill but with great caution, always ready to flee in case she realizes to treat a damage.
She passed the grove and entered the fountain in silence, cautiously, checking no one else was sitting on the large stone. The water was empty. A salty scent rose from the banks, from the moss partially immersed and from the stones lapped by the light movement of the water.
She sat down and gave a long sigh.
“I know, we don’t know each other,” she whispered, looking around as if the ancient inhabitants were standing next to her. “Coming from Earth, I am aware I don’t belong to this world. Perhaps I am not allowed to ask for your help.” She looked up with determination to the water. “But if you have welcomed me, I think you have responsibilities in this regard.”
A shiver ran down her back in a mistake in the request. She could not put them in front of obligations not of their competence.
“I apologize for my impetuosity”, she whispered, lowering her head. “I understood from your message how my friend Jill needs my help. Though I have no experience, I am determined to act on it.” She bent her head again. “I have come here to the pond with the request for a help from you. Above all in stopping me in case of stupid strategies and wrong gestures as often happens to me.”
In Dreams - Incipit
Second Generation
Part 1
Wood of Plane
Available to be published
Fairy Tales - Wood of Plane
Fairy Tales
Poems - Wood of Plane
Honest Deception
Second Generation
First Generation
Our Madness
Little Soul
Touch of Happiness
Voice in the Night
Good Hope Hotel
Night Clouds
Shiny Lake
Second Generation