Undelivered Speeches
Third Generation
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Near a crossroads, at the edge of the road, Florian was sitting on a parapet looking around with the intention of choosing the direction to take. On one side it descended towards a long tree-lined road, on the other it rose towards the hill, the top of which denied the prospect.
Although provided with map, navigator and any other technological help, being faced with the choice of a route, he preferred to rely on instinct, considering more satisfying the surprise of an unexpected landscape than the beauty of a predetermined destination.
“Do you need help?” An old person had stopped his bicycle, putting his foot on the ground.
Florian smiled. “Thank you, I am reflecting on the direction to take.”
The old man stretched out his hand on the right, towards the tree-lined avenue. “On that side there is a long road in the direction of the city, beyond, can proceed to the sea.” He took time to move his arm to his left. “From the other, beyond the hill, the mountains begin towards a rather high pass; After the summit, the road winds between hills and villages and then descends to another sea—very different.” He smiled staring at him. “Do you prefer beaches or rocks?”
Florian was fascinated by his so well way of expressing himself. He knew those areas very well, but narrated by that old man seemed different.
“I prefer the rocks” he replied with the same smile.”
“Then the road to the hill is for you.” He then looked carefully at the van. “Unfortunately I am not sure you will be able to reach the pass by that vehicle, the climb is quite steep.”
After the thanks from Florian, the old man got on the bicycle and with a push on the pedals, resumed his ride.
The Desired Travel - Synopsis
Third Generation
Part 1

Wood of Plane
Available to be published
Fairy Tales - Wood of Plane
Fairy Tales
Poems - Wood of Plane
Honest Deception
Second Generation
First Generation
Our Madness
Little Soul
Touch of Happiness
Voice in the Night
Good Hope Hotel
Night Clouds
Shiny Lake
Third Generation